Improve Quality First Teaching
Enhance SEND Provision
Staff Training
Training from a chartered Educational Psychologist gives you the confidence that you are gaining evidence-based learning that can be put into practice in classrooms.
There are likely to be students in every cohort with some level of attachment difficulties. With increased understanding of this need, staff can help to reduce the disadvantages faced by these vulnerable young people.
Growth Mindset
The types of feedback staff give to students can have a direct impact on their mindsets. Students who are encouraged to develop a growth mindset are more likely to persist in the face of frustration and work through their challenges.
Working Memory
Create lessons that ensure students make best use of their working memory for the required learning objectives.
Grief and Loss
Help staff to understand the impact of grief and loss and feel confident in supporting young people.
Ensure all staff have basic understanding of needs arising from Autism so they can create Autism friendly lessons.
Interactions for Learning
Effective interactions and sustained shared thinking between adults and children in the first few years of educations can extend children’s thinking and enhance learning gains. Ensure teachers and teaching assistants capitalise on these early opportunities and get children ready for more formal learning.