Helping Children Feel Safe and Socially Engaged

How can we help children to feel emotionally safe with us? Our facial muscles and subtle nonverbal cues will influence the brain state of the people around us.
The Goldilocks Principle: Answering Tricky Questions

How do we explain a challenging situation to a child, or respond to an awkward question? We might find it hard to judge how much to say to our young children and what their little minds are ready and able to accept. At such times, we can employ the ‘Goldilocks Principle’.
Do Children Need a Structure?

This is a strange and challenging time. The pandemic has restricted our freedom in so many ways, making the world feel claustrophobic and scary.
Should We Be Entertaining Our Children?

Hearing children say ‘I’m bored’ can be irritating at the best of times. Right now, that phrase can seem particularly taxing.
Helping Children to Manage Emotions

This year is one of the most unusual of our lifetime. We are all bound to be feeling a range of emotions, regardless of age.